African-American Involvement in the Vietnam War

Recent Acquisitions

This page will list recent acquisitions and keep repeat visitors informed of what's new on the site.


March 2006
Text and sound of the Medal of Honor ceremony for Milton Olive III has been added.

Text and sound of the Medal of Honor ceremony for Lawrence Joel has been added.

February 7, 2006
Many new additions to the site worth exploring. Again, too many to specifically name here but there are a few worth noting by name:

December 27, 2004
Large additions of citations and more added throughout the entire site. Too numerous to mention here. Happy exploring!

March 12, 2004
Added search engine and relative path links to most pages.

February 28, 2004
Offsite links now open in new browser window.

Added new citations to the Poetry, Fiction, and Drama, Personal Accounts, and Films and Music sections.

  • Frazier, Sandie. I Married Vietnam: A Novel. New York, NY: George Braziller, 1992.

  • Grooms, Anthony. Bombingham: A Novel. New York, NY: The Free Press, 2001.

  • Myers, Walter Dean with collages by Ann Grifalconi. Patrol: An American Soldier in Vietnam. New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers, 2002.

  • Washington, Geno. The Blood Brothers. London: The Do-Not Press, 1998.

  • Komunyakaa, Yusef. Dien Cai Dau. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1988.

  • Ribman, Ronald. "The Final War of Olly Winter." New York, NY: CBS Playhouse, 1967. [Originally broadcast on January 29, 1967.]
February 23, 2004
Added new sections and features to the site, including:
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Kief Schladweiler
Librarian, NYC

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