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Senate Hearings

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Source: Congress. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws. Extent of Subversion in Campus Disorders. Washington, D. C.: GPO, 1969. Pt. 2: Testimony of Max Phillip Friedman (August 12, 1969). Congress. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws. Extent of Subversion in Campus Disorders. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1969.

Pt. 2: Testimony of Max Phillip Friedman (August 12, 1969).

SuDoc No.: Y4.J89/2:C15/pt.2
Date(s) of Hearings: August 12, 1969
Congress and Session: 91st - 1st
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Max Phillip Friedman's testimony also introduced several items of note into the record. One such item is a brochure entitled "The Case of GI's United Against the War in Vietnam, Fort Jackson, S.C." In February 1969 at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, a group of predominantly African-American and Puerto Rican soldiers formed GI's United Against the War in Vietnam. At first military officials allowed the meetings to take place without incident but after a gathering on March 20th, in which it was alleged that the "meeting" became a "demonstration," nine individuals were arrested. Later it was revealed that one of the nine arrested had infiltrated the group for the military brass and the "Fort Jackson Nine" became the "Fort Jackson Eight."

At issue was whether members of the military could peacefully gather to discuss issues of foreign policy, such as the war in Vietnam. A case clearly involving the First Amendment. The brochure was distributed by the GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee which counted among its sponsors Professor Maurice Zeitlin of the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Reverend Ed Riddick of the SCLC, Bob Lucas of the Black Liberation Alliance, Fred Hampton of the Illinois Black Panther Party, and Maurice Geary of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission.

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