Martin Luther King, Jr.

King's Journey: 1964 - April 4, 1967

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White House. "Public Affairs Policy Committee for Vietnam." 1965.

Microfiche: #1985-145
Date Issued: August 23, 1965
Date Declassified: September 20, 1984
Length: 3 pages
NOT Sanitized


Public Affairs Policy Committee for Vietnam - Meeting of August 23, 1965
The White House
August 23, 1965
Memorandum for the Record
Public Affairs Policy Committee for Vietnam

Meeting of 23 August

The Refugee Problem
The question of establishing a private "umbrella" committee under the chairmanship of Dr. Howard Rusk (similar to the committee organized during the Korean War) will be dealt with at the next meeting (August 24) of the Vietnam Coordinating Committee. Mr. Abba Schwartz will be invited to present the case
(Action Mr. Sneider).

Teach-Ins and University Forums
As a general rule, US officials will not participate in teachins, but will attempt to meet the requirement for speakers for responsible unofficial university forums and for university-sponsored symposiums.
(Action and coordination - Mr. Greenfield)

Mr. Arthur Dean's Citizens Group
This group of leading citizens will promote backing and support of Administration policy. It will be activated in early September.
(Monitor - Mr. McGeorge Bundy)

Congressional and Gubernatorial Briefing and Speech Preparation
The Administration will attempt within limits of its resources to meet the briefing and speechwriting requirements of Congressmen and Governors.
(Coordination and Action - Messrs. Cooper and Greenfield)

Why Vietnam?
In addition to distribution already in train, copies should be sent to those writing "Why?" letters since 28 July and to Congressmen for their constituents. US Ambassadors should be sent copies for selected distribution abroad. (Ambassadors should be alerted by letter from Secretary of State - Action - Sneider) Autographed copy sent to Mother whose letter is quoted.
(Action - Cooper)

Martin Luther King
Consideration should be given to briefing King's brain trust in line with Cooper memo to William Bundy.
(Action - William Bundy)

Ambassador Goldberg should be contacted in New York to discuss matter personally with Dr. King.
(Action - Cooper) * [* Cooper has ascertained President opposed Goldberg-King contact re Vietnam.]

Troop Numbers
The Administration has announced that 125,000 troops will be sent to Vietnam; by September 15, approximately 150,000 will have received orders to move. One possible resolution: To count troops as they arrive in Vietnam and not as they are alerted.
(Action - Mr. McGeorge Bundy to raise at Tuesday lunch - Mr. McNaughton to alert Mr. McNamara)

Matters discussed which do not require action in Washington include:

Mr. Zorthian's Role - He will report on Information Policy and problems to State rather than USIA. His role in the Psy War field will be worked out with Ambassador Lodge.

Censorship - a team is now in Saigon looking into the problem. A basic difficulty to resolve is the lack of a GVN Information Officer.

One lesson of Chu Lai is the need for all officials to abide by existing rules on casualty announcements.

Bombing of NVN Hydro Plant and Dam - This is not a change in US target policy.

Chester L. Cooper
cc: Mr. Moyers WH
Mr. W. Bundy State
Mr. Greenfield State
Mr. Sneider State
Mr. McNaughton DoD
Mr. Goulding DoD
Mr. Anderson USIA

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