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Senate Hearings

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Source: Congress. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws. Testimony of Stokely Carmichael. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1970. Congress. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws. Testimony of Stokely Carmichael. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1970.

SuDoc No.: Y4.J89/2:C21.
Date(s) of Hearings: March 25, 1970
Congress and Session: 91st - 2nd

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On March 25, 1970 Stokely Carmichael appeared before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Included in this very brief document is a published interview with Carmichael that appeared in the March 24, 1970 issue of the Daily World. The tone of this interview can best be described as international in outlook. The third world is consistently mentioned throughout showing that Carmichael felt a strong connection between the struggle at home and the struggles of the non-white world. When asked about what he thought of the idea of urban guerrilla warfare in the United States as a means of obtaining change, Carmichael connected it to guerrilla warfare in Vietnam:

"It is crystal clear to us that the way the imperialists take everything is by force...... See, their men are cowards. White America is the most cowardly nation in the world. it could send a million troops into Vietnam and they cannot kill the Vietnamese people. The Vietnamese people in hand-to-hand combat would wipe them out. So what they do is they say 'in Vietnam they're fighting guerrilla warfare,' and you think that guerrilla warfare is dirty, its not clean, its not supposed to be done. And they said, 'to beat guerrilla warfare, we will now send men and planes to drop bombs,' and nobody questioned 'isn't it more disgusting to send a man in a plane who can drop 50 or 60 bombs on defenseless women and children or use napalm and bomb them and burn them to death than to fight them hand-to-hand combat. Which is more honorable?' So that is the question, it is just when we use it. Urban guerrilla warfare is the one way we will beat the United States because they cannot use bombs on us, because we are inside their country. They will have to fight us hand-to-hand combat. We will win, we will win."

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