Martin Luther King, Jr.

King's Journey: 1964 - April 4, 1967

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Federal Bureau of Investigation. "Transcript of Conference Call with Stanley D. Levison, Andrew J. Young, Harry Wachtel, Clarence Jones, Cleveland Robinson, Wyatt Walker and Walter Fauntroy." September 12, 1965.

Date Issued: September 12, 1965
Date Declassified: [1983]
Length: 8 pages
NOT Sanitized


Time Initial IC
OG Activity Recorded
9:46 PM IC White 5061- 45 to end

Call to Stanley Levison, Conference Call from Martin Luther King, Andy Young, Harry Wachtel, Clarence Jones, KLEVE Robinson, Wyatt Waltston (PH) and Walter Thompson PH.

Hello This is Martin the only one missing is Buyard; Rustin I want a little advise from all your destinguished wise Americans.

Levison: Flattery will get you nowhere.

King: Well we are having a staff retrete down here in South Carolina. I want to discuss the matter on my stand on Viet Naum and the conference with Goldberg the other day. I think you all know my view on the Wrongness of our Foreign policy and my deep convictions and the truth of conscience matter that it is. I don't mind being a Minority of one as I have been but I am mindful of the critisism I have been taken. I think we have to admit that what is developing is that the Administration feels that I am going too far and it is a battle with the Administration and I'm absolutely convinced that the statement of Senator Dodd I don't know if you read it. All say You are right about what you said.

King: I'm convinced that LINDON JOHNSON got DoDD to say this because I'm convinced that these are his convictions and that the Administration and Pres Johnson urged him to do this. I am convinced that the Press is being stacked against me on this position. I have already gotten unkind editorials on what I said. The critisism that effects me more is the one that says that I am Power Drunk and that I feel that I can do anything because I got the Nobel Prize and it went to my head and that the true motive of my statements are never revealed and the statement that I am stepping out of my bounds. No I really don't Have the strength to fight this issue and keep my Civil Rights fight going. They have all the News media and Tv and I just don't have the strength to fight all these thing. I just don't have the strength to fight these two battles and there has to be a real fight on my part. I may feel a sense of guilt about the Civil Rights Movement because this would take too much of my time to fight this and I feel that I couldn't get the backing of the Civil Rights leaders on my position such as Roy Wilkins and Whitney Young. The other thing is the deeper you get involved the deeper you have to go and take stands and speeches and appearances and I'm already overloaded and I almost emotionally fatigued. We have to fact that sometime the Public is not ready to Digest this truth.

Levinson: Like Stevenson on the Test Band.

King: You are exactly right and I think that these forces are going to try to cut me down. So what first of all can be done to give the National public a realization of the fact that I am not out here alone Second How to deal on the Dodd Statement, Third I would like to get your opinion on the letters that I have proposed writing to the leaders, of the various involved nations. There again I have gotten Critisism and statements that I am Meddling and stepping out of the area of my ability. The Atlantic Constitution wrote an article said I continue in this folly of this letter writing. They call me the single most powerful negro leader in the country and that I know I can't talk as an individual. I also feel that that Ho Chi Min and Chu In Li are not going to respond affirmatively regarding these letters and that will make me look worse so I have to find out how I can gracefully pull out so that I can get on with the Civil Rights issue because I have come to the conclusion that I can't battle these forces who are out to defete my influence. They will take the communist China thing and what Dodd said and use it to say I was under the influence of communist and it may confuse some of our supporters and our contributors, to SCLC. So these are some of the things I want to speak to you on.

Harry Wachtel: Martin this is Harry and having been present at the Goldburg Meeting and Having heard what the Attorney General said about the Logan Act but not having read the Dodd Statement. I don't think that the letters have to be written any more. It won't say anything more that what you already said to GOLDBURG right?

King: That's Right.

Wachtel: So the issue is now whether the letter will only excellerate the diversinary attact which is being conducted including a persucation under the LOGAN Act which you others might not know, the Attorney General indicated there has been a lot of pressure to bring whether they win or not. I don't think the letter is longer necessary. Most People who talked to Me as Buyard told Me including BOB MOSES were pleased with what you said. You were a Fresh Voice. I agree basicall with your position that the letters will only Drag the issue beyond the point you have already made.

Clarence Jones: I separated the letters from the other questions Martin has made. I agree with you Harry.

Wachtel: What the People feel is different from what the Newspapers and the Politicians feel.

Jones: Yes Martin they could do you a great deal of harm and I think you should abandon the writing of the letters.

Wachtel: Yes we should all agree and later work out how it should be done and what machinery we should use later.

Jones: I do think you should continue in a balanced way to express you conscience on the question on peace. I think that when you feel you should speak out on international problems you should do so as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

KLEVE ROBINSON: Did any of you hear Whitney Young today He made a very viscious attacked on Martin. He said such things as He wouldn't pretend to be as godlike as Martin" I have no doubt that he has been poked by the Administration. I don't think it would be wise to send the letters. So now how do we get some of the sentiment of the people which is not coming across but which the large part of the people feel and agree with you. We have to do something in a Hurry. We got to get everybody together. I just can't see Martin not speaking out on this issue as part and parcel of the struggle. If our nation continues to the mad rush to war the Job at home can never be done which must be done. If we go to war we will have more restrictions. So I think Martin will find it necessary to speak out for peace and continue with the fight at home.

WALTER Last Named Believed to be THOMPSON: I think Harry you stated rightly about the letters and I think we ought to get down the three points that Martin Wanted. First How can we start to build support among the non Peacenicks. Secondly: Deal how we gracefully withdraw from not sending the letters and Thirdly: How while concentrating on Civil rights we can maintain being against the Viet Naum War. Could we just deal with those three.

Levison: I agree on the letters that they should not be sent. The conception of the letters lends itself to arrogance, I say this with having agreed with it originally. Harry WachteL Without this form of things we would not have gotten some of the people aware of Martin's feelings. Levison: That is right: Martin's original approach was not to go all out and is implied, he only intended to express himself and did not intend to become a major peace leader.

Wachtel: When GOLDBURG saw Martin he made it very clear that Martin had every right and that it was a proper thing for him to do. So the danger is that if we get him too much support then it will put him in a position that he will have to justify his position.

Levison: My theory is that Martin has gotten milage out of what he said and now he has to be relevantly quiet on the subject and on the surfact by being quiet he is not seeking the roll of a Major Peace leader.

Kleve Robinson: The Times had a report from the Attorney Generals office showing a slowing down of Voter Registration.

Wachtel: There are a couple of voices that haven't been hard from WYATT?

WYatt: One of the means by which Martin can offset the press is treat it as a matter of history and say that he has made his view quite clear and has nothing more to say. I'm soley behind Martin because Our Federal Government LBJ and GOLDBURG are interested in the fortunes of the USA in South East Asia, whereas Martin's Mo[ve] is a Moral thing and of Human life.

Wachtel: Well Wyatt I don't agree with the last part. when Martin spoke to the press he said that the Civil Rights demand now all his time but they won't print that now. The Three points that Martin made are there to Negotiate with the Viet Kong, to halt the Bombing and to Recognize Red China. These Points are there and he is not going to withdraw from these points he made and he is not going to repeat them. So he now requires as Stan Levison said to do in civil rights that which tell everyone I have spoken my part and I never purported to lead this struggle and now I am back to my regular work.

Andy Young: I think that Senator Dodd and Whitney Young somehow need to be confronted. Wachtel: Right but not by by Martin. Levison: No not by Martin.

Wachtel: Right someone else must answer his detractors whether it be someone like EDWARD DAULBERG (PH) or Spike or

YOUNG: I think the most effective critisism of Dodd should come for the state of Conn., someone like BILL COFFIN (PH) W[illegible] and Possibly LOU POLLICK the dean of the Yale Law School. Wyatt you know all those boys.

Wyatt: Yes I can get to them.

Levison: Who was the third man Andy:

Young: Rev: Dick BATTLES, and somebody for Yale who can really jump on Dodd.

Wachtel: He's the Dean of Yale Law school Pollock and a good friend of Goldberg. We should get one of them and then let the one get the others.

KING: The average mind is not sofisticated enough to analyse a statement and what it means if they did they would know what DODD is and that he is the strongest supporter of the FBI and its invasion of Privacy and the Unamerican Activities Committee and an Extreme Isolationist and all that, but they don't know that, consequently many people are mislead, many good people who read this and would say yes MARTIN IS going too far. Some negros would say this. All I'm saying is that as a Citizen I have a right to say this as a Moral leader to deal with a question that deals with the survival of mankind. And as for admission of Red China Uthant called for their admission just a little ago. But when I say it they write about it.

Stanley Levison: A word of caution, while whatever is said doesn't commit you, it put you in a position of where you have to say more on the question.

Wachtel: And to speak again and again and again.

KLEVE ROBINSON: I wouldn't be afraid of that, what MARTIN said is right all down the line and it may start a movement among the people and nothing could be better. He is now out there by himself that is the point now.

King: You say that KLEVE, I have read nothing to date but things that put me out there alone or give that impression.

Levison: All men have a right to speak out on matters of life and death.

Wachtel: the Point is As andy said the man who spoke Dodd must get a come uppettance too. Suppose Robert Kennedy came out and said anything and the NY Times wrote and editorial in support of a man having a right to make a statement on important questions. So Martin I want to propose that you could put to them tomorrow particularly on Mr. OAKS as to what he is going to be doing about Dodd. I think Oaks (PH) should be asked he writes this stuff in the paper.

Young: I think Harry if you go out and buy a paper you will find something written about Dodd.

Wachtel: If so then part of our job will be done but Andy it's always nice to have these thing happen without effort but you know they don't

Young: Well I would say you should call Oaks in the morning. I have already called and seen about "Christianity and Crisis" writing an Editorial.

Wachtel: I sure will call tomorrow and I can do it unofficial

AndY Young: I think we need to keep a collection of these support statements and do something with them in a one page lay out.

KING: Now once the press takes a negative position to you they are very slow to support you. I think these statements will get very little play in supporting me. I think there are some people that can get thru. I think we should try to get to them. The man who said to me at a lunchon a few days ago, That I appreciate all you have done at Civil Rights and you have done this and that and I appreciate you having the Courage to speak out of Viet Naum and I hope you will not stop". Now Wayne Morris is a man with convictions and courage and can get press attention and we should try to get him not to just answer Dodd but to make a positive statement and we should get the three men in Conn. and we should get someone to answer Whitney Young, like A Philip Randolph. [illegible]ale How about Adam Clayton Powell? Levison I would not get him I don't think he is good.

Clarence Jones: I don't think Powell should be Discounted I think one of a group he would be good.

Wachtel: I think Randolph Against Whitney young good he will give it the pious touch and besides that we can get that handled without going into detail. KLEVE; Buyard will do it.

Stanley Levison: May I suggest Senator Mcgovern he has been excellent on this question.

Young: What about FRANK CHURCH. Him to.

Jones: What about KENNEDY.

Wachtel: Not everybody is going to read Dodd verbatum. Senator Morris and Gruney of Alaska have been outspoken against the Administration in Vietnaum. I raise the question of Kennedy: If he spoke out for you would it do you any good.

King: I don't agree that I need to withdraw, I need only need to withdraw temporarily.

Wachtel: You don't have to withdraw Martin just sit back and let the bombshell you dropped have it's impact.

King: Let me suggest for you consideration: I suggest that WYATT contact Bill Coffin, Lou Pollock and Dick Battels have them draw up a strong letter to Senator Dodd and have a press conference on that letter.

Wachtel: Martin tell him not to have a conference call but line up Coffin first because Lou Pollock may not be willing to take on GOLDBERG etc. These are very strange times.

King: I think we should make it clear that Goldburg himself said he did not share the views ...

Levison: Yah that's right.

Wachtel: Coffin should be the first guy then Pollock and then Battle will go along.

King: O.K. then Harry and Kleve get with Buyard early and go over this whole conversation and then Buyard and Kleve get to Phi; Randolph and he should have a press conference too, directly answering Whitney Young.

Wachtel: Right we will get to him.

King: I think that Harry should feel out Bobby Kennedy.

Harry: O.K.

King: I don't think he will endorse the admission of Red China but he may endorse my right to speak on it.

Wachtel: and non military solutions which is his position.

King: Yah O.K. let's try him. Let us also line up Senators Morse, Church, Mcgovern. Walter can you do that:

Walter Thompson (H) Yes, I know Morse

Kleve Robinson: Morse may want to put into the record certain things he could reply to Dodd on the floor of the senate and put it in the record.

King: I think he will reply to Dodd. Now the fourth point Harry you contact in the morning the Ny Times. and Fifth Andy will contact the Christian Century and I think it will come thru at this point.

Young: I think between Clarence and Stanley could get thru to the Saturday Review, The Nation and Norman Cousins, the Progressive.

Levison: Yes.

Wachtel: We don't want to become a National question.

King: I think we have as much right to become a national Headline as Dodd did and I think that Lindon Johnson pushed Dodd to do it. Now we can't wait to wednesday to do these things. If I have to answer Dodd I'm going to do it in a high moral tone.

Wachtel: Martin do you think there is a basis to turn to Goldberg. He set up his meeting.

King: I think we have to tell these fellows that this is an attempt to undermine the Civil Rights thru me.

Wachtel: Maybe Martin Dodd is acting for the Right wing all by himself without the help of LBJ. I don't mind calling Goldberg and suggest he might do something. And if they are behind it let them at least know we don't like what they are doing, and I can do that unofficially because I was there.

King: What about Jim Farmer. Young: He will get better coverage than Randolph:

King: I wouldn't mind talking with Roy. Wachtel: Yes let Randolph talk to him. We can do this Dodds attack like the J. Edgar Hoover Attack will be an attack on the Civil Rights Movement. We can put him against the wall on this.

Young: Well who can approach Roy:

Wachtel: I think Buyard and Phil:

Young: I'm going to pass it right back to James Spike (Ph)

Wachtel: We can get Buyard to talk to James FArmer.

King: Now about the Religious leaders. I mean John Bennett the non [illegible], Lynold Neibert (PH) Harold Barnapy (PHO and the Rabi in Chicago who went to Viet Naum and the Catholic who went there.

Kleve: these are the very names that Buyard mentioned at the meeting.

King: Yes Goldwater attacked me and Max Friedman I donot know him they are all attacking me We have to start a letter writing campaign from these key peoples. Wachtel Where will you be for the next few days. Can we have a conference call tomorrow evening.

They agree on a call 11 Pm Tomorrow Evening. King is going to be in Baltimore South Carolina telephone Number 803 524 4337.

Wachtel: Stay out of the press for the next 24 hours unless you have some Civil Rights news.

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